Accepted into Click Pro!!! - Moncton Family Photographer

When my little Kodak point and shoot took a swim in the river, my husband replaced it with my first Canon Dslr.  I was in love with that thing!  Shortly after I had figured out how to shoot in manual mode, I stumbled on a photography site called Clickin' Moms.  

I researched it (cause that's what I do) and decided that I needed to learn how to better document my family's every day life.  That was important to me.  Sure, I could snap a few pictures but none of them had the impact I was looking for.  I wanted to be able to make a photograph that takes me right back in time to that a time when my babies were babies and the everyday chaos was real and normal part of everyday life.  Face it, soon that will no longer be the case.  My babies will be grown and the chaos will be minimal.  I will miss that, even with as much as I pray for peace and quiet and minimal toys strung about the house during the day, I am sure the quiet lifeless house will be enough for me to wish I had been more present in their every day to notice the small, insignificant rituals that make up childhood!  

I want to remember the sooky blankies, loveys, dirty feet and mess of toys, crazy bed head, the sibling rivalries (ok, maybe not that one), the forts made out of blankets and the 2 dozen stuffies that take up space in my bed.

As I devoured every.single.piece of information I could find on the Clickin' Mom's forum I started to get interested in their elite group of Pros.   In order to get accepted as a Click Pro you need to submit a portfolio of 150 images to be judged on 7 categories:

Exposure Triangle
Color and White Balance
Use of Light
Composition and Posing
Processing, Cohesion and Polish
Technical Basics (Focus, DOF)
Creativity, Expression and Intention

I am so completely excited to say that I got my acceptance letter yesterday!  I am now a member of the CMPro!  This means that my images meet a high industry standard and that I can consistently produce images to meet this standard!

There are only two of us in New Brunswick who have applied and been accepted as a CM Pro program!  My hours upon hours of reading, practicing and editing has brought me to reach this goal and I would love to have a chance to share this with your family.  

If you are interested in checking out my accepted Pro set of images, you can find it here on Flickr!

Contact me to discuss your ideas for your lifestyle session with your family!
